Register for Free | Sureify Life Insurance Ecosystem Summit

The 2023 Sureify Ecosystem Summit is Back!

We’re thrilled to bring back our free Life Insurance Ecosystem Summit, an event dedicated to fostering success in the life insurance industry.

This year’s summit will gather various industry influencers to share in-market insights, answer questions and discuss how the advancement of technology will shape the future of the life insurance industry. Specifically, the summit will focus on how industry players—insurance companies, distributors, consultants and B2B insurtechs—can expand on the massive growth and change we’ve seen over the past several years. Attendees will get an exclusive look at case studies, hear real-life success stories, and learn how to deploy next-wave digital capabilities to achieve exceptional business outcomes.

This will be the must-attend life insurance event at InsureTech Connect—you don’t want to miss it!

Find out how to become a part of Sureify’s Life Insurance Ecosystem.

Past Attendees



9:00 am - 10:00 am
Registration Opens
10:00 am - 10:15 am
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Registrations, Networking, Coffee
10:25 am - 10:40 am
Forrester – State of the Life Insurance Industry
Jeffery Willams, Senior Analyst at Forrester, will kick off the event with a discussion on the State of the Life Insurance and Annuity Industry.
10:40 am - 11:25 am
Benekiva, Homesteaders Life, Northwestern Mutual and EXL- Tackling Claims Transformation: Empowering Carriers and Customers with Transformational Digital Technologies
The pandemic shed light through the gaps in carrier claims and servicing functions. This distinguished group of panelists will discuss the urgent need for transformation, strategies to overcome business continuity challenges, innovations to expedite those efforts, and intuitive technologies to create seamless business processes with a customer-centric mindset.
11:30 am - 11:50 am
RGAX – Managing Disruption Through Structured Innovation
The insurance landscape is changing rapidly, and carriers must embrace a consumer-first mindset if they want to remain relevant and continue to adapt and grow. RGAX has combined design thinking best practices with RGA’s life and health insurance expertise to provide a structured approach for accelerating product development and helping solve modern industry problems. In this session, Mitch Ocampo will share the core components of an effective innovation strategy and how it can be implemented. He will showcase real-life innovation successes and will provide steps on what it takes to get started.
11:50 am - 12:00 pm
Fenris Digital – Take Customer Experience and Engagement to the Next Level
Automated life event monitoring and alerts is a Fenris’ subscription service that keeps you apprised of the important events in your clients’ life. Take action with appropriate outreach for the right product at the right time with the insight provided on every policyholder. Improve engagement with tailored messaging at the right time Improve retention and loyalty Improve cross-sell of additional financial products
10:00 am - 10:35 am
2022 Industry Landscape
12:00 pm - 12:50 pm
Lunch Provided by Hannover Re
12:50 pm - 1:00 pm
Emerging Vendors
Plug and Play - Friendly - Micruity
1:10 pm-1:20 pm
Atidot and Teamstand -Life Insurers are Growing Policyholder’s LTV and Creating New Revenues with AI Software
Today’s Life Insurers are transforming to establish themselves as the Life Insurers of tomorrow. Atidot together with Teamstand, offer both Technological and operational solutions that will significantly increase revenues from your existing book of business, as well as attract new customers by adopting innovative marketing paradigms. Join us to discover how AI and predictive analytics has helped top-tier carriers make the leap to tomorrow, today.
10:40 am - 11:20 am
The Digital Experience for agents – an inside view of how product innovation makes this a reality

Panel Discussion: The Digital Experience for agents – an inside view of how product innovation makes this a reality

Carriers continue to face challenges creating digital experiences. When the pandemic began, many carriers created digitally focused buying processes for their customers.

While these early advances were focused on the end-consumer, most customers still seek an omni-channel experience. They may start the life insurance buying process online, however most purchases at the final stage occur through an agent.

The newest generation of insurance agents want to have the "ease of doing business" via a digital experience. The easier the experience, the more likely an agent is to place business with a carrier. The competition for agent loyalty is hotter than ever.

While much of the COVID-19 era was focused on reaching consumers directly and making their process easier, carriers now need to focus on creating the easy, digital experience for agents. It’s the most essential thing carriers can do right now to retain and attract agents and continue to grow.

What will the agent digital experience of the future look like? How does the new wave of product innovation and technology enable this journey? Join us for an in-depth discussion about how we are meeting challenges today, and get a first look at the agent experience of the (near) future.

1:20 pm - 1:40 pm
Glia – How Insurers are Differentiating with Digital Customer Service
Glia is the leading Digital Customer Service solution for insurance carriers. In this session you will hear about key use cases that drive new business, reduce customer servicing costs, and increase brand loyalty with external agents/brokers. You will participate in a live demonstration of Glia, showing interaction with conversational AI bots, Live Observation, Chat, Digital Voice, Video, Screen-sharing, Secure File Transfers and Customer Surveys in a single Digital Customer Service platform that must be seen to be believed. Already in use by major insurance carriers across the US, Glia is game-changing technology and a must-see session.
11:20 am - 12:00 pm
A New Core System
Life carriers who digitize and deliver data, business processes, and transactional insights to their agents, advisors, and customers will win the next generation of business and come to dominate the marketplace in the next decade. Serving these humans faithfully places great demands on the insurer: its existing technology, its processes, and its business and technology teams all must adapt and change.

In this talk, we unpack why this problem is so vexing -- and why historical approaches have produced such lackluster results. Then, we share a new approach: our dedicated, purpose-built framework for delivering robust digital experiences on the edge.
2:00 pm - 2:20 pm
Haven Life – Transforming the Future of Life Insurance, Together
While you might primarily know of Haven Life as the direct-to-consumer digital life insurance agency, did you know they’ve also helped delight millions of consumers through digital experiences, transformed complex, advisor-driven businesses, and launched new products with speed? As a result, their life and annuity partners have derived competitive advantage through their technology and expertise.

As part of this session, Ayan Sarkar, Chief Revenue Officer of Haven Life, will be joined by Dustin Yoder, Founder & CEO of Sureify as they draw from their experience and lessons learned to discuss the evolution of Haven Life, what’s ahead and who they hope will join them on their journey.
2:20 pm - 3:00 pm
EIS, EY and Cake & Arrow – Make Your Customer the Star of Your Ecosystem: Best Practices and Lessons Learned from Those That Matter
During this panel session, attendees will hear from a global consultant, design thinking leader, and a carrier on the best practices in designing the right ecosystem for their target market. We know how difficult it is to overcome the legacy technology challenges to create an ecosystem, but once you have overcome that challenge (or have a plan to skirt around the issue), how do you develop the perfect ecosystem? How do you ensure that you keep the customer at the center of the ecosystem to ensure you aren't creating poor customer experiences? And how do you create an ecosystem that remains relevant and flexible so that you don't fall behind the ever-changing insurtech opportunities?
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
3:00 pm - 3:40 pm
Allstate, Swiss Re and Human API, Sureify – Greenfield Innovation in Nine Months
Learn how a leading insurer is transforming their life insurance business by digitally reinventing every step in the customer experience. Starting with a true partnership approach to bringing in best-in-class solutions. Allstate is applying a relentless test and learn strategy that embraces small experiments backed up by the infrastructure to rapidly scale successful solutions. Hear this remarkable story from a leader of Allstate’s Digital Life Insurance initiative and their partners in this rapid deployment of an entirely new approach to serving the life insurance needs of customers.
3:40 pm - 4:00 pm
Closing Remarks
1:00 pm - 1:40 pm
The Path to Embedded Insurance: How You Can Get There
The Path to Embedded Insurance: How You Can Get There

Embedded insurance continues gaining traction in the United States. As more offers appear at the point of sale across retail, finance, and service industries, where do life insurance opportunities fit in?

We discuss three different paths that life insurers can take to enter or expand their embedded insurance opportunities–and the roadblocks along the way. Directions to take include:
  • Offering term life policies similar to group offerings through employment–but through non-traditional partners like fitness apps.
  • Harnessing the data you or another insurer gathers during the P & C process, and adding a few more questions to qualify groups of people for a life policy.
  • Offering coverage as part of another product or service purchased, like a car or a baby crib as part of the purchase price–similar to a warranty.
Along the way there are also obstacles, like how to get customers to continue to pay for coverage if the customer is tied to a third-party? How do you learn about life events that could mean more coverage or change of beneficiaries is needed? And the big question remains–how do you mitigate risk?

Our panel will look at what having an embedded insurance program entails, where it is succeeding, and how to begin your strategy to connect with unexpected partners and new audiences.
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Networking and Refreshments
1:45 pm - 2:00 pm
Solving the Legacy Problem: A Look Behind-the-Scenes

Solving the Legacy Problem: A Look Behind-the-Scenes

The insurance industry has a large legacy problem - they're costly, slow moving, and don't integrate well, which elongates the time it takes to migrate a block of business. Haven Technologies Migrator allows companies to move those legacy blocks and business onto a modern platform, which is more flexible, brings a digital experience and is able to integrate seamlessly into other solutions. This tool has taken one of the most complex technological processes in our industry and simplified it, making it more attainable for carriers to achieve. Haven Technologies helps you reduce costs, increase speed in the market, grow revenue, and delight your customers and advisors.
2:00 pm - 2:10 pm
How Carriers are Differentiating with Digital Customer Service
Glia 's live demonstration will showcase Digital Customer Service in action - as it would be deployed on a Life Insurer website, producer or policyholder portal.

The demonstration will show how easy it is for a producer or policyholder to connect with a live operator by chat, and seamlessly transition through CoBrowsing, Digital Audio, and Video transitions to easily resolve issues such as changes to policyholder beneficiaries or producer quotes & illustrations.
2:15pm - 2:50 pm
2:50 pm - 3:00 pm
Success Stories: How Pacific Life & Transamerica use no-code business logic technology to drive speed to market
Pacific Life is launching their new retirement income annuity product and wants to achieve speed to market and seamless connectivity to their ecosystem. Transamerica wants to improve the process of retirement product pricing, to enable faster pricing for multiple scenarios and to increase autonomy for the pricing model team. Partnering with Coherent, both companies accomplished their goals at a significantly reduced cost and increased speed. Join us for case studies presented by Mike Porco, Pacific Life, and Eric Lawless, Transamerica. Hosted by Todd Buchanan (CEO – US, Coherent) and John Brisco (Global CEO & Co-Founder, Coherent).
3:05 pm - 3:30 pm
3:30 pm - 4:10 pm
Realizing the dream: End-to-end data flows that help you digitize
It’s no longer a dream–end to end data solutions exist and life and annuity insurers can implement them! Atidot–one of this discussion’s featured panelists–reported that up to 80% of data held by life insurers is not used for strategic purposes. Imagine what could be possible by opening up access to that data.

Could you better assess risk? Provide more coverage options for current policyholders? Group prospects into buckets for embedded insurance opportunities? Predict the behavior of current and future customers? Create better targeted marketing? Strategically market where data shows opportunities? Become more competitive? Get actionable alerts based on data, leading to better customer experiences and more engagement–ultimately increasing customers’ lifetime value? Get relevant and expansive health data for agile underwriting processes? Use data to drive customer value for annuity policyholders?

With end to end data capabilities, life insurers can marry data sources from legacy systems, leading to unprecedented results. With this much usable data, life and annuity insurers can achieve the happily ever after that they deserve.
4:10 pm - 4:45 pm
Customer Engagement: What it means and how to achieve it
Brand advocate. Customer loyalty. Brand enthusiast. Stan.

Push past all the jargon and find out what customer engagement really means–and how it impacts your bottom line. Want customers who stay loyal? Where do you start? And is this even a realistic goal?

Successful customer engagement begins with great customer experiences. Fans begin to emerge when their expectations are exceeded. What experiences make customers keep coming back for more?

We’ll showcase successful engagement strategies life insurers currently use. Persistence can be key. Continual communication puts your brand top of mind when a customer thinks about their coverage, and keeps you on top of their shopping list. Education can create a connection. If you can provide information your customers value, they’ll be more likely to seek out your communications. Hosting a space that provides a holistic approach to your customers’ physical, mental, and financial health and ongoing wellness can create a fan for life.

What does all of this mean for your bottom line? Opportunities can emerge from your engaged customer relationships to upsell, cross sell and keep customers for life. Lifetime customers help offset acquisition costs that keep rising each year.

Life insurers ultimately care about their customers. Translate that care into value for your customers and get a brand advocate for the long haul.

Want to know more?

If you have questions or want to learn more about the Life Insurance Ecosystem Summit, reach out to us here.