Jacob Ruiz leads product at Sureify and has worked alongside CEO Dustin Yoder since 2013. Jacob was instrumental in building the company through its incubation phase, helping to secure the initial revenue. Now, Jacob combines creativity and business acumen to make a product exceeding market expectations.

In the early days of Sureify, Jacob aimed product direction toward digital engagement after identifying it as a critical area of focus for the life insurance industry. The success of the engagement platform led him to expand the scope of Sureify’s platform to digital sales and servicing, two other critical areas he believes are in dire need of modernization.

Jacob first honed his product development skills working with Dustin at Vendus. His projects there included developing healthcare and health insurance related applications for Stanford University and Palo Alto Medical Foundation. He has extensive experience working with design and technical teams, and is the product architect of Sureify’s offerings today.

A graduate of UCLA’s film school, Jacob is a creative at heart and applies his creativity to every aspect of Sureify’s product.