
Q: Is Lifetime configurable?

A: For the most part, yes. All of our products feature white-label configuration, meaning you add your own brand, colors, and design. LifetimeEngage is almost 100% configurable: challenges, points, rewards, polls, quizzes, push notifications, emails, onboarding steps, and in-app education content are all up to you. LifetimeService is configurable in terms of its question display types, UI elements, and some of the business logic. LifetimeAcquire’s question text, labels, help text, display types, tooltips, and many UI elements are configurable.


Q: Is Lifetime PCI compliant?

A: Lifetime is structured to integrate with PCI compliant payment processors. Our platform does not touch any credit card, EFT, or other payment data.


Q: How will self-servicing changes be reflected in my policy administration system?

A: We will work with you to determine the best data transfer process. We make use of any available APIs in your systems. In the absence of APIs, we will send the data to you in the appropriate format and with a frequency that makes sense.


Q: Is it omnichannel?

A: Yes, LifetimeAcquire is an omnichannel product that supports agent, call center, and direct-to-consumer implementations.


Q: What is LifetimeAcquire’s competitive advantage?

A: LifetimeAcquire surpasses its competitors in three main ways. First, its configurable questionnaire capability provides the flexibility you need in the complex, heavily regulated insurance environment. Whereas our competitors’ eApp implementations tend to drag on and bloat with expensive change requests and professional services teams, Sureify avoids these pitfalls with a configurable questionnaire that can be quickly updated to support compliant eApp forms that meet the intricate needs of our clients. Second, and similar to the configurable questionnaire capability, LifetimeAcquire features configurable forms generation for sequencing and attaching forms based on variables such as state, direct-to-consumer vs. agent, supplementary forms, etc. This saves time and cost during project launch, but also makes for a more viable long-term eApp solution as new products are added and requirements and compliance needs change. Lastly, LifetimeAcquire beats competing products in terms of user experience. All Lifetime products have policyholder-facing interfaces, therefore excellent user experience is imperative to our success. LifetimeAcquire is optimized to provide a simple, intuitive experience for agent and applicant users alike. From workflow down to the detailed mechanics of adding a beneficiary,everything has been carefully thought out, tested, and designed.


Q: How secure is Lifetime?

A: All data we handle are encrypted in transit and at rest. Sureify is SOC 2 certified. We invest heavily in data protection and security protocols.


Q: How are security roles and permissions handled?

A: Lifetime features extensive roles and permissions configurability. We assist our clients in setting up appropriate roles and permission schemes within Lifetime. We have also implemented SAML/SSO and OAuth identity provider support for our carriers by interfacing with their identity providers (Ping Identity, NetIQ, IBM, and more).


Q: Are data encrypted?

A: All data on Lifetime are encrypted in transit and at rest, using HIPAA compliant AWS servers. A client’s data are stored in separate databases and are not commingled with other clients’ data.

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