Sureify’s LifetimeENGAGE Video Overview

About LifetimeENGAGE

Sureify knows engagement can start at the very beginning. With LifetimeENGAGE you can invite potential policyholders to digitally interact with you to stay up to date through their application process. Once a policy is issued, LifetimeENGAGE keeps you effortlessly in touch driving awareness, loyalty and sales without adding cost.

Your possibilities for reaching out are limitless. Gather real-time data through surveys and polls, educate your policyholders about important financial wellness considerations and encourage healthy life choices. Simple toggles give you the configurability to customize your content based on type of user, allowing you to celebrate, motivate and communicate on a regular basis with automated texts, emails and push notifications with your policyholders. Whether it’s content from your library, or ours we can show your policyholders the information that’s most relevant to them.

Numerous industry studies show that today’s customers expect more interaction and education from their Insurance companies. Insurers who recognize the value of engagement and work with Sureify have seen an average of a 30-point increase in their Net Promoter Score, 300% improvement in lapse payments rates and policyholders are 5X more likely to purchase additional products. Its time to move beyond the once-per-year billing statement touch points. Connect with your customers in a meaningful, personalized, cost-effective way and create a relationship with higher lifetime value – with Sureify’s LifetimeENGAGE.

Learn more about LifetimeENGAGE